
The body is like a well-oiled machine.  As such, it needs to be looked after, and maintained to keep it running at its optimum.  Recovery is one of the ways I which we do this.

Exercise is a great way to strengthen and fortify the body.  It also is a good way to keep the bones and joins lubricated.  However, since exercise puts stress on the body, the body needs to recover.  There are a few ways to do this:

1)    When working out, take a rest between sets.  This allows time to let the muscle recover and regain enough strength to do the next demand we ask of it.

2)    As we sweat, we need to recover those electrolytes that are leaving the body.  This is done throughout the workout, as well as after.  Try to avoid the commercial drinks, though.  Opt for natural, such as coconut water.  Coconut water has electrolytes and simple carbs, which are just what the body needs.

3)    After training, the best recovery is to take a nap.  A 50-minute nap does wonders for the body and its muscles.  It relieves stress immediately (instead of waiting until night time), after the body has undergone so many types of daily stress.  If you can find the time to squeeze it in, do it.

4)    Sleep at night is another way to recover.  Here is where all the gains happen from all that the body did throughout the day.  If we are not resting, we are adding yet more stress to the body.  Ideally, 8 hours is best. However, some people find they can function on 4 to 6 hours.

5)    Meditation is recovery for the mind.  The mind goes on and on and on without ever stopping. Meditation is a way to give the mind a break.  It does not necessarily stop the mind, but it does quiet the mind.  And, quieting the mind allows it to be clearer.

If we continue through life without recovering, our bodies will age and injure.  So, refuel, relax, and renew the body.  Your body will thank you later.